Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes for August 9th, 2006

Amended and Approved August 23rd, 2006


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser - Chair

Wayne Bradley

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Amanda Sloan - Clerk




Peter O’Cain – Assistant Town Engineer

Alan Wachman

Alice Cheyer



Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Eli Hauser.


Meeting Discussion


1.      Chair’s Report

·         Performed by Mr. Hauser. Letters read included Attorney Gelerman’s letter to Margaret Arguimbau, Chair of the Sharon Conservation Commission regarding King Philip Acquisition. As per Mr. Cohen, no action to this letter is required by the Planning Board.


2.      Form A

·         Mr. Wachman of Morse Street requested to meet with the Board because he received a letter which was sent to abutters from Joe Kent concerning a proposal by the Kelley's, at 66 Morse Street to subdivide their property for the purpose of creating three lots, two of them "buildable."  Mr. Kent's letter stated that the site plan submitted by Kelley’s was endorsed by the Planning Board and is now being reviewed for zoning compliance. Mr. Wachman cited that the site plan signed by members of the Planning Board on May 31, 2006, appears to have approved the subdivision only, not the designation of the new lot as buildable.


Mr. Hauser iterated that the role of the Planning Board is to review plans presented to see if they comply with regulations for setback and frontage. Mr. Cohen stated that the Planning Board did endorse the plan on 5/31/06 but since the meeting was not posted, the plan was approved by default. The Planning Boards position was that the driveway must be built at the wide section of the proposed lot’s frontage, not the narrow section. Mr. O’Cain stated the Planning Board ruled on this plan and not the subdivision. Because there are wetlands on the section designated for access, it must be accessed thru the wetland. The Conservation Commission has the jurisdiction whether to approve the driveway thru the wetland. Mr. O’Cain suggested Mr. Wachman write a letter to the ZBA because the access thru the property’s frontage may conflict with section 2412B of the zoning bylaws. It was the Planning Board’s intention through the approval process that this the narrow section of frontage not be the access. Mr. Cohen will write a letter on behalf of the Planning Board and the abutters to the building inspector and the ZBA.


3.      Sign Review

·         None to report.


4.      Meeting Minutes of 7/12/06 and 7/26/06

·         Board reviewed and amended draft meeting minutes of 7/12/06.

·         Mr. Lauenstein moved to accept the minutes of 7/12/06 as amended and Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-1.

·         Board reviewed and amended draft meeting minutes of 7/26/06.

·         Mr. Cohen moved to accept the minutes of 7/26/06 as amended and Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0.


5.      Review of Town Meeting  Articles

Mr. Hauser requested that Ms. Sloan read the articles aloud at Town Meeting. The specific articles pertaining to Shape Factor, Inclusionary Zoning and Typos were discussed as follows below.


Not reviewed.


Mr. Lauenstein stated that there is a clause in 3616 which can earmark a large percentage of affordable housing for municipal employees and feels it is discriminatory. Mr. Hauser requested that Mr. Lauenstein propose wording to change or delete 3616. Mr. Hauser stated he was in support of Inclusionary Zoning but the timing may not be best. Discussion amongst the board ensued.


Not reviewed.


Mr. Bradley provided the CSD article to Attorney Gelerman and awaits feedback. Mr. Lauenstein suggested that the additional changes to this article be discussed at the Public Hearing on August 23rd. Additionally, Ms. Sloan will provide Mr. Bradley with a definition of “heritage tree” for the article.



Ms. Levitts will bring 5 copies of the articles as posted to the Public Hearing on August 23rd. Mr. Bradley will provide Ms. Levitts with a list of changes after discussion with Attorney Gelerman. After the hearing, Ms. Levitts will make changes to the articles and provide to Ms. Byrnes for the warrant article.


Other Business

Mr. O’Cain stated Hunter’s Ridge needs a bond for two sample homes to be built. Mr. Cohen moved to approve the amount of $163,000 for Hunter’s Ridge as per Peter O’Cain’s memo dated 8/3/06. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. It was voted unanimously at 5-0-0.


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on August 23rd 2006, 7:30 pm, Town Hall, Selectmen’s Office. A Public Hearing will be held to discuss the warrant articles.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Lauenstein moved to adjourn meeting at 10:30 PM; Mr. Cohen seconded the motion; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

 Administrative Assistant